-Catch a Quick Glimpse into the Lives of Many Different Fish Species-

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Fish on the move, these Walleye and Perch surround the camera on their search for food.

Winter on Lake St. Clair, this Bluegill decides to take a close look at us. Many fish are very curious of the camera!

Winter on Lake St. Clair, a school of Largemouth Bass pass by the camera. I wonder what created a wound like that.

Winter on Lake St. Clair, a school of carp swim by.

Winter on Lake St. Clair, I often find large groups of Bluegill, Sunfish, Crappie and Largemouth Bass to occupy small areas. Swimming back and forth through similar paths, I find most fish are constantly moving.

This Smallmouth Bass was 30ft down in heavy current on the St. Clair River. I have found so many fish to be extremely curious of the camera!

Had the camera in the right place at the right time to catch a glimpse of a well fed Muskie.

Perch, among other fish species, are very curious by nature. During their constant search for food, a camera on bottom often times become the center of attention.

January, through the ice, I have often found Schools of Largemouth Bass to travel together during periods of cold water. Also, I have noticed certain areas will consistently contain many of these smaller groups moving back and forth.

Ice fishing and on a school of big perch this day, a lone walleye strolls past the camera.

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